@article{oai:komajo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001433, author = {岡田, 昌己 and 曽我部, 夏子 and 田邉, 解 and 高田, 安希子 and 宮本, 雄基 and 山本, 菜月 and 西村, 一弘}, issue = {3}, month = {Mar}, note = {We examined soccer players belonging to the Japan Women’s Soccer League First Division to clarify their dietary awareness, specifically awareness of the importance of sufficiently consuming rice as an energy source and side dishes, including meat, fish, and eggs, supplement intake, and desires related to the muscle and body fat masses. Concerning rice consumption, 17% were , 45% were , and 28% were , whereas 39% were and 50% were of side-dish consumption, revealing that most players had a promoted awareness of the importance of sufficiently consuming side dishes, but their awareness about rice was relatively poor. The rate of ingesting supplements/supplementary foods was 11%, and that <2-3 times a week> was 22%. The most frequent reason for such intake was (6; 100%), and then (5; 83%). As many players answered that they were aware of the importance of sufficiently consuming side dishes, and they ingested supplements to obtain proteins or to increase the muscle strength, protein intake may have been a focus of their diets. In fact, the rates of and were 78 and 72%, respectively. The results suggest the necessity of nutrition education for players to learn that not only protein-rich food/supplement intake but also appropriate energy intake is required, in order to increase the muscle mass.}, pages = {11--18}, title = {女子サッカー選手の白飯、おかず摂取に対する意識調査}, year = {2021}, yomi = {オカダ, マサキ and ソガベ, ナツコ and タナベ, カイ and タカダ, アキコ and ミヤモト, ユウキ and ヤマモト, ナツキ and ニシムラ, カズヒロ} }