@article{oai:komajo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001473, author = {大坂, 裕子 and OSAKA, Yuko}, issue = {4}, month = {Mar}, note = {I conducted a questionnaire survey on dietary education among nursery schools and asked them to voluntary submit their dietary education plan. One-hundred-seventy-seven Tokyo nursery schools participated in this study. The effective recovery rate was 27.3%.  The results showed that the majority of nursery schools use a picture book presentation combined with reading aloud as an instructional method (86.0%). Furthermore, 44 out of 177 nursery schools reported using picture books and picture-story shows in nursery schools’ dietary education plans. And nine nursery schools provided the titles of picture books and picture-story shows. A variety of purposes were recorded for the use of picture books and picture-story shows in their dietary education plans.}, pages = {27--33}, title = {保育所年間食育計画への絵本の活用記載状況に関する検討}, year = {2022}, yomi = {オオサカ, ユウコ} }