@article{oai:komajo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001474, author = {曽我部, 夏子 and 岡田, 昌己 and 小澤, 多賀子 and SOGABE, Natsuko and OKADA, Masaki and KOZAWA, Takako}, issue = {4}, month = {Mar}, note = {We set up a food education booth, and provided information regarding health and diet at the venue of a women's soccer league match. Our poster mainly demonstrated the importance of healthy meals, exercise, and rest, the significance of maintaining a healthy weight, and health problems that may occur due to an insufficient energy intake. We also conducted a questionnaire survey on conditioning, involving the audience. Among the 58 included for analysis, the largest age group was 40-49( 27.6%), and then 50-59( 25.9%). There were 33 males and 25 females. For , more than 70% of both sexes answered . For , 72.7 and 80.0%, respectively, answered , while 3.0 and 8.0%, respectively, answered . For 60.6 and 72.0%, respectively, answered , while 9.1 and 16.0%, respectively, answered .  Among males, the most common frequency of measuring the weight was (30.3%), and then and (21.2% in both cases). Among females, was the most common frequency (32.0%), followed by (28.0%) and (24.0%). Some of the respondents' free descriptions revealed their desires related to weight control, such as and , indicating the necessity of providing more specific information in future food education.  We will continue our food education activities that seem to be effective, enabling people, including those visiting the venue for different purposes, such as the audience of a soccer match involved in the present study, to access health information.}, pages = {35--40}, title = {女子サッカー観戦者のコンディション管理に関する意識調査}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ソガベ, ナツコ and オカダ, マサキ and オザワ, タカコ} }